Spruce Lake Monument Sign

Jan 24, 2019 | Monument Signs | 0 comments

Spruce Lake dimensional signEstes Park is home to the towering 1980’s, two-sided, Spruce Lake monument sign. After forty years, it’s still standing and holding its own.

The monument sign has weathered decades of high-country outdoor conditions. It’s inevitable that rain, sleet, snow, wind, ice and UV rays will take their toll in the Rocky Mountain’s higher elevations. These conditions are especially hard on signs in and around Estes Park. Of the six threats, UV rays and violent storms are probably the most damaging. Then, of course, the passage of time. However, we built this sign to last decades. And it has.

The Spruce Lake RV Park monument sign is located on the Mary’s Lake road, a left turn off the main Estes Park road, west, to Rocky Mountain National Park’s main entrance. As you can see in the photo, above, the sign is big and very visible. Visit them or their website at, https://sprucelakerv.com/

Making the Spruce Lake monument sign

The two-sided monument sign’s main panels measure 10′ x 8′. The sign is constructed of wood and high-density urethane. Hand-carved letters and a hand-painted lake scene dominate the top of the sign face. The “WELCOME” panel letters are hand-carved as well.

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