Carolyn’s Cuisine custom sign dates back to the beginning of Fort Collins’ southern expansion. During the 1970s and early 1980s, most of Fort Collins’ current suburban sprawl was rural farms and fields. It’s hard to imagine now, but Harmony Road was mostly a dirt road.
None of the southeast residential areas were developed. Further, there was little in the way of business on Hwy 287, south, towards Loveland. However, that’s where Carolyn’s Cuisine began its events center and catering business.
With an eye on future growth between Loveland and Fort Collins, the owners planned to service both communities. In addition, they wanted a head start servicing the entire southeast Fort Collins area. (At the time, Everitt Enterprises led the charge in developing and expanding southeast Fort Collins.)
Upscale image = upscale graphics
Carolyn’s Cuisine was upscale. Their taste in food presentation corresponded with their taste in image advertising. Consequently, a two-sided, gold leaf and hand-carved, custom sign fit nicely into their marketing plans.
We made their sign using mahogany and gold leaf inlay on hand-carved letters.To finish, we hand-painted a table-setting art element. At the time, gold leaf signs were a rarity in the western states. As a result, the Carolyn’s Cuisine sign became one of the first innovative and original gold leafed signs in the Fort Collins area.
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